ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2020;9(1):24-29 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2020.9105

Research Article

Whole extract optimization of Adhatoda vasica, Nees leaf by using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

MD Zakir Ansari1 , Ghulamuddin Sofi2 , Hamiduddin3 , Haqeeq Ahmad4 , Md. Imran Khan5 , Rabia Basri6

1. MD Scholar, Dept. of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru 560091, Karnataka, India
2. Professor, Dept. of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru 560091, Karnataka, India
3. Assistant professor, Dept. of Ilmul Saidla (Unani Pharmacy), National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru 560091, Karnataka, India
4. PhD Scholar, Dept. of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru 560091, Karnataka, India
5. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru 560091, Karnataka, India
6. PG Scholar, Dept. of Amraz-e-Niswan wa Ilmul Qabalat (Gynae and Obstetrics), National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru 560091, Karnataka, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 10th December, 2019 / Accepted: 3rd February, 2020


Present work aimed at optimization of extraction process for various factors to get maximum extract yield for a drug, Adusa (leaf of Adhatoda vasica Nees). The drug is used in the form of powders or decoctions, so Soxhlet apparatus (hot percolation) was used to optimize the yield percentage. Adusa leaf was subjected to extraction process using Soxhlet apparatus. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to design the number of random runs of the extracts for the drug with variation in the factors of temperature, concentration of ethanol in water, time for extraction for maximizing the yield concentration. The data thus obtained was analyzed for optimization for yield maximization. Minitab version 18 was used to design and analyze the data. Validation of the optimum conditions for maximum yield of the extract of Adusa leaf was carried out by re-run of the extract using optimum conditions and measuring the yield. The study showed that optimum condition for extracting Adusa leaf for temperature, solvent concentration, and time for extraction was 800C, 48.18% and 8 h respectively. Adusa leaf extract gave maximum yield of 22.07%. The optimum factors when reemployed yielded 23.73% of the extract validating the methodology. RSM used in present study is cheap and affordable method to optimize maximum yield% which may be reliably used by researchers for research in this area.


Adusa leaf; Optimization; RSM; Soxhlet extraction.


Ansari Z, Sofi G, Hamiduddin, Ahmad H, Khan I, Basri R. Whole extract optimization of Adhatoda vasica, Nees leaf by using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). J Phytopharmacol 2020; 9(1):24-29.

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