ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2014;3(5):330-336 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2014.3505

Research Article

A prospective study of prathisaraneeya apamarga kshara in comparison with prathisaraneeya palasha kshara in patients with charmakeela (warts) and kadara (corns)

Vijayshankar B.V1 , Muralidhara Sharma2 , Chandrashekar Rs3 , Manohar V.R4

1. Asst. Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, J.S.S Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore- 570028, Karnataka, India
2. Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, J.S.S Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore- 570028, Karnataka, India
3. Faculty, Department of Pharmacology, A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kuntikana, Mangalore 575004, India
4. Professor, Department of Pharmacology, A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kuntikana, Mangalore 575004, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Background: Charmakeela and Kadara are the diseases which have signs and symptoms similar to Warts and Corns respectively. Objectives: Kshara karma is mentioned under kshudra roga adhikaras by Acharya Sushruta under the context of Kshara karma adhyaya for the treatment of Charmakeela and Kadara. Methods: In our study, clinically diagnosed 30 patients were enrolled and divided into two groups. Out of 30 patients, 15 patients were assigned to Group 1 for prathisaraneeya kshara karma with Apamarga kshara and another 15 patients were assigned to Group 2 for prathisaraneeya kshara karma with Palasha kshara considering its effect on two subjective symptoms (pain & burning sensation) and two objective signs (regression of lesion & discharge) on day one with a follow up treatment on 3rd, 5th and 7th day. Results: Our study had 18 cases of warts and 12 cases of corns respectively. Group 1 had nine patients of warts and six patients of corns respectively. The result of our study reveals that, six patients of warts and four patients of corns had a reduction in pain, burning sensation, discharge and complete regression of lesion. Two patients of warts and one patient of corns had scarring after seven days and one patient each from warts and corn had recurrence in Group 1 after eight weeks, whereas four patients of warts and four patients of corns had complete regression of lesion, three patients of warts and one patient of corn had scarring which was noticed after seven days of the treatment and two patients of warts and one patient of corn had recurrence after four weeks in Group 2. Conclusion: Even though scarring was seen in a few patients, the size of the scar was lesser than the lesion existed before in Group 1 (Pratisaraneeya Apamarga kshara) compared to Group 2 (Pratisaraneeya Palasha kshara). The scar was acceptable by the patients in comparison with the original lesion. Pratisaraneeya Apamarga kshara showed greater improvement in corns and warts when compared to pratisaraneeya Palasha kshara.


Charmakeela, Pratisaraneeya Apamarga kshara, Kadara, Pratisaraneeya Palasha kshara.

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