ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2016;5(6):234-237 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2016.5605

Research Article

Quality Characterisation and HPTLC fingerprinting of Vachadi syrup: A polyherbal formulation

Lowkesh Chandravanshi1 , Chethan Kumar VK2 , Nagaratna Jartarghar3

1. Post graduate Scholar, Department of Kaumarabhritya, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Udupi, Karnataka, India
2. Associate Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya, S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Udupi, Karnataka, India
3. Assistant Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya, S.D.M. College of Ayurveda, Udupi, Karnataka, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Polyherbal formulations (PHFs) are potential for their safety, cost effectiveness and better acceptability than allopathic drugs. PHFs help in amelioration of various serious disorders. Therapeutic efficacy of herbal medicine is exerted due to the bioactive constituents of plants. The present study was aimed to prepare and standardize a polyherbal formulation (Vachadi syrup) including traditional drugs such as Acorus calamus (rhizomes), Trachyspermum ammi (fruits), Phyllanthus emblica (fruits), Terminalia bellirica (fruits), Terminalia chebula (fruits), Zingiber officinalis (rhizomes). Methods: Prepared polyherbal formulation was subjected to determine the physical constants (pH determination, refractive index, specific gravity, total solids, reducing and non reducing sugar) and HPTLC fingerprinting. Results: The analysis revealed the physical constant such as refractive index 1.43418, specific gravity 1.256, pH 3.5, total solids 61.50, total sugar 17.64 and reducing sugar 4.46. HPTLC fingerprinting profile showed different band patterns at different wavelength under short UV, long UV and at 620nm after derivatisation with vanillin sulphuric acid spraying reagent. Unique Rf patterns were recorded. Conclusion: Vachadi syrup was authenticated according to pharmacopeial standards as its analysis was important to ensure the quality of drug.


Vachadi syrup, Polyherbal formulation, Physical constants, HPTLC fingerprinting.


Chandravanshi L, Chethan Kumar VK, Jartarghar N. Quality Characterisation and HPTLC fingerprinting of Vachadi syrup: A polyherbal formulation. J Phytopharmacol 2016;5(6):234-237.

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