ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2013;2(3): 4-8 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2013.21302

Research Article

Anti-Helicobacter Pylori and Cytotoxic activity of detoxified root of Plumbago auriculata, Plumbago indica and Plumbago zeylanica

Ann Shine Paul1 , Aneesul Islam1 , P. Yuvaraj2

1. Department of Pharmacology, University College of Pharmacy, Kottayam, Kerala, Iindia
2. Department of Toxicology, Research and Development, CARe KERALAM Ltd, KINFRA Small Industries Park, Koratty, Kerala, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Anti-Helicobacter pylori and cytotoxic activity of detoxified root ethanol extract of Plumbago auriculata, Plumbago indica and Plumbago zeylanica. These three Plumbaginales root were detoxified with lime water and prepared the ethanol extract. Ethanol extract of these plants are possible activity against H. pylori and cytotoxicity activity with MTT assay in HGE-17 cell lines. These three plants ethanol extract (50-250 µg/ml) have dose dependent cytotoxicity activity in HGE-17 cell lines. Zone of inhibition test of these Plumbaginales plants ethanol extract against H. pylori have significant activity. Plumbago indica (10 mg) have more activity compared to other two plants. Three Plumbaginales detoxified plants root have cytotoxicity in HGE-17 cell lines and antibacterial activity in H. pylori. Based on our results these three detoxified plants root are used for H. pylori induced gastric ulcer.


Plumbago auriculata, Plumbago indica, Plumbago zeylanica, Ulcer, H. pylori.

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