ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2022;11(5):330-334 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2022.11503

Research Article

Proximal composition of bee pollen and its functional effect on stress

Elizabete Lourenco da Costa1 , José Marcelino Antonio2 , Odilon Antonio Pereira2 , Ellen Virgínia de Oliveira Nascimento2 , Juliana Tonini Mesquita3

1. Anhembi Mocumbi University, Almeida Lima St. 1134, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2. Catholic University of Santos, Conselheiro Nebias Av. 300, Santos - SP, Brazil
3. Adolfo Lutz Institute, Dr. Arnaldo Av. 355 - São Paulo – SP, Brazil

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 3rd July, 2022 / Accepted: 26th August, 2022 / Published : 31st October, 2022


Bee pollen is an agglomerate of microscopic grains rich in proteins and phenolic compounds. Otherproducts rich in flavonoids and vitamins, as well as bee pollen, have been shown a positive effect onstress, which is a physical condition that can lead to several somatic disorders. In this work thecompositional characteristics of bee pollen were measured, and its effect in volunteers’ adult men wasevaluated by a cortisol salivary test, and by responding to Lip’s Stress Symptom Inventory. Thevolunteers were given bee pollen for a month. After that, the salivary cortisol was measured and appliedthe questionnaire. Bee pollen shown an adequate nutritional composition. Its administration had a 23%reduction in salivary cortisol. The values obtained in the questionnaire were consistent with the results ofthe cortisol dosage, which relieved the symptoms reported by the volunteers. A phytochemical screeningwas also performed on this material showing the presence of flavonoids, which may be an activecompound responsible for the functional effect in the stress relieving of the participants.


Bee Pollen; Stress; Proximal Composition; Functional Food


Costa EL, Antonio JM, Pereira OA, Nascimento EVO, Mesquita JT. Proximalcomposition of bee pollen and its functional effect on stress. J Phytopharmacol 2022;11(5):330-334. doi: 10.31254/phyto.2022.11503

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