ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology 2023; 12(2):76-81 DOI:10.31254/phyto.2023.12203

Research Article

In vitro anthelmintic activity of Tinospora cordifolia nanoparticles against strongyle nematode of small ruminants

V Ramakrishnan1 , P Gokul2 , R Hemalatha3 , AT Karthika3 , R Mohan Raj3 , R Shankar4

1. Assistant Professor, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Kundrakudi, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, India
2. B.V.Sc. and A.H. Scholar, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Kundrakudi, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, India
3. B.V.Sc. and A.H. Scholar, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS); Kundrakudi, Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, India
4. M.V.Sc. Scholar, Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Kerala, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Pookode, Kerala, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 10th March, 2023 / Accepted: 24th April, 2023 / Published : 30th April, 2023


The age old Ethnoveterinary Medicine has turned into a limelight recently in the treatment of livestock as it is cheaper, easily available, sustainable and environmentally acceptable with nil residues in animal tissues and offals. These pristine herbal medicines can be the better alternatives to conventional anthelmintics with a greater resistance problem.  The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the effectiveness of Tinospora cordifolia extract as a reducing agent in the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles as well as the effectiveness of the biosynthesized silver nanoparticles in inhibiting the hatching of strongyle nematode eggs in small ruminants. Aqueous extract of T. cordifolia leaves and stems was prepared and screened for phytochemical constituents. Silver nanoparticles were synthesized using the extract and characterized by using visual appearance, particle size and Zeta potential values. Egg hatch assay (EHA) was carried out according to the techniques and recommendations of the World Association for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology. Dynamic light scattering and Scanning electron microscope (SEM) were showed that the average particle size was 2.8nm. Zeta potential of synthesized silver nanoparticle was -18.4 mv. The egg hatch inhibition assay revealed a significant inhibition in a dose dependent manner, when compared with aqueous extracts of T. cordifolia. Thus, the present study warrants the potential anti- nematode activity of T. cordifolia however further studies are required to investigate the active principle responsible for the activity.


Tinospora cordifolia, Silver nanoparticles, Egg hatch assay, Zeta potential, Dynamic light scattering, Scanning electron microscope


Ramakrishnan V, Gokul P, Hemalatha R, Karthika AT, Raj RM, Shankar R. In vitro anthelmintic activity of Tinospora cordifolia nanoparticles against strongyle nematode of small ruminants. J Phytopharmacol 2023; 12(2):76-81. doi: 10.31254/phyto.2023.12203

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