The Journal of Phytopharmacology 2024; 13(6):437-444 DOI:10.31254/phyto.2024.13603
Evaluation of the acute and subacute toxicity of the aqueous extract of Ficus vallis-choudae leaves in Wistar rats
Kilenma Kolefer1 , David Miaffo2 , Oulianovie Guessom Kamgue3 , Barthelemy Maidadi4 , Roger Ponka5
1. Department of Environmental Sciences, Higher Institute of Agriculture, Wood, Water and the Environment, University of Bertoua, Bertoua, Cameroon
2. Department of Life and Earth Sciences, Higher Teachers’ Training College, University of Maroua, Maroua, Cameroon
3. Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon
4. Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Maroua, Maroua, Cameroon
5. Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Derivated Products, National Advanced School of Engineering of Maroua, University of Maroua, Maroua, Cameroon
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 16th October, 2024 / Accepted: 13th December, 2024 / Published : 31st December, 2024
In Cameroon, Ficus vallis-choudae Delile leaves are empirically used to treat diabetes mellitus. However, no studies have been carried out to ensure the plant's safety. This work aimed to assess the acute and subacute toxicity of the aqueous extract of Ficus vallis-choudae (FVE) leaves in rats. To assess acute toxicity, FVE at a single dose of 5000 mg/kg was administered to female rats (n = 6), while distilled water (1 mL/100 g) was force-fed to animals in the control group (n = 6). Behavioral changes and mortality were assessed at 30 min, 4h, 24h, 48h and regularly for 14 days. For the subacute toxicity study, animals were divided into 6 groups of 10 rats each (5 males and 5 females) and treated orally for 28 days. A control group received distilled water (10 mL/kg), three groups received FVE at doses of 220, 440 and 880 mg/kg respectively, and two satellite groups received distilled water (10 mL/kg) and FVE at 880 mg/kg respectively. Body mass, food and water consumption, biochemical, and hematological parameters, and liver and kidney histology were evaluated. For acute toxicity, no behavioral changes and no mortality were observed. The mean lethal dose (LD50) of FVE was greater than 5000 mg/kg. With regard to subacute toxicity, the FVE tested appeared to be tolerated by rats, as no major clinical signs of toxicity, no mortality, no significant changes in body weight, internal organ weights, food and water consumption were noted in either female or male rats. Similarly, biochemical and hematological parameters, as well as histological aspects of the liver and kidneys of FVE-treated animals of both sexes, showed no significant changes. Short- and medium-term consumption of FVE is safe in rats. However, it will be useful to assess the sub-chronic and chronic toxicity of this plant extract.
Ficus vallis-choudae, Acute toxicity, Sub-acute toxicity, Aqueous extract, Wistar rats
Kolefer K, Miaffo D, Kamgue OG, Maidadi B, Ponka R. Evaluation of the acute and subacute toxicity of the aqueous extract of Ficus vallis-choudae leaves in Wistar rats. J Phytopharmacol 2024; 13(6):437-444. doi: 10.31254/phyto.2024.13603
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