Prof. Rajeev Taliyan
Department of Pharmacy, Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani, Rajasthan, India

Dr. Zora Dajic Stevanovic
- Full Professor
- Faculty of Agriculture
- University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Prof. Dajic Stevanovic is a full professor (since 2008) and Head of Applied Botany Department at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade (FoA), since 2012. She got the bachelor degree diploma and PhD at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (in 1987 and 1996, respectively). Postdoctoral studies: University of Sussex, UK and John Innes Centre, Norwich,UK, 1997/1998 – Royal Society Grant.Since 1990 she works at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, being engaged in teaching several obligatory and elective modules in plant sciences at bachelor, master and doctoral studies. She was supervisor of 12 PhD students. Prof, Dajic is the team leader of a research group focusing on: plant metabolites, bioactivity, biotechnology, medicinal and aromatic plants, ethnobotany, genetic resources, biodiversity, and Raman spectroscopy.Prof. Dajic is author of near 400 scientific papers, out of more than 100 in international journals with the impact factor, in addition to 5 national and 3 international monographs, 15 chapters in national and 13 in the international monographs, etc. She is coauthor of 4 technical solutions (small patents). Her papers were cited 3961 times, H index 31, 2023 times, H index ? 20 (total citations were not merged), respectively (data obtained on 25,08. 2024). She participated in many national and international projects (Tempus, SEEDNet, bilateral projects, REGPOT FP7, COST, INTERREG, etc.), out of as coordinator in 5 projects funded by the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Managment, 4 projects of bilateral collaboration funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development (2 with R. Slovenia, 1 with R. Croatia and 1 with Germany – DAAD project collaboration). Prof. Dajic was the national consultant in 3 projects funded by the World Bank, the national consultant in Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation in R. Of Serbia, in 1 TRAFFIC project, 2 projects supported by USAID, 1 financed by UNDP and 1 by GIZ (objectives: biodiversity, medicinal plants, plant genetic resources). In the period 2006-2012 she was the national coordinator for plant genetic resources. At the moment, Prof. Dajic coordinates the project ’Novel Raman approach to chemometrics based assessment of food quality: carotenoids as model nutrients in functional products application’’ under the acronym R-Spect in the frame of the program IDEAS funded by the Science Fund of R. of Serbia, in addition to coordination of 2 work packages in the HORIZON 2020 MSCE RISEproject under the acronym EthnoHerbs. She is the member of the advisory board of the ongoing HORIZON 2020 project under acronym DARES. Since 2008 she is the President of Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC, see www.amapseec.com). She is member of the EU Dry Grasslands expert group and EU consortium for vegetation, as well as IUCN and FAO expert group for medicinal plants. Prof. Dajic Stevanovic is member of the editorial board of five international (e.g. Frontiers in Pharmacology/Ethnopharmacology) and three national scientific journals and is regularly engaged as reviewer of scientific papers in many acknowledged high impact factor SCI journals, as well as reviewer of international projects (Research Fund of R. of Slovenia, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Slovakian Academy of Science, Loreal competition – Woman in Science).Prof. Dajic Stevanovic was the vice-dean for science and international collaboration at the FoA in the period 2016-2019.