ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2020;9(3):188-192 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2020.9306

Research Article

Modulatory effect of Jatropha gossypifolia leaf on testicular lipidomics and plasma lipoproteins of rats exposed to cypermethrin

Faokunla Opeyemi1 , Femi-Olabisi Fehintoluwa Joy2 , Olorunyolemi Imoleayo Moses3 , Omogbehin Samson Adehuga4 , Agboola Anthonia Oluyemi3 , Umar Itopa Sheriff4 , Adelegan Olabode Oluwagbemiga5

1. Department of Biochemistry, Federal University Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria
2. Biochemistry Unit, Department of Biological Sciences, Mountain Top University, Ogun State, Nigeria
3. Biochemistry Unit, Department of Biological Sciences, Wesley University Ondo, Nigeria
4. Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Federal Polytechnic IleOluji, Ondo State, Nigeria
5. Department of Biochemistry, Ekiti State University, Nigeria

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 4th March, 2020 / Accepted: 13th May, 2020


The use of pesticides such as cypermethrin (Cyp) has become hazardous resulting into public and environmental health issues in the world with several studies pointing to a decline in reproductive health coupled with increased risk of infertility. Thus, pesticide safety and effects on human exposure in relation to general and reproductive health are of paramount concern. This study was aimed at investigating the biochemical alterations in the lipidomics of plasma components and reproductive organ of male rats exposed to cypermethrin. The animals were grouped into eight comprising seven animals each and orally treated for 28 days: control, 20 mg/kg body weight of Cyp, Cyp+JG(50 mg/kg), Cyp+JG(100 mg/kg), Cyp+ALA(50 mg/kg), JG(50 mg/kg), JG(100 mg/kg) and ALA(50 mg/kg). Lipid profile analyses were carried out on the plasma, HDL, vLDL+LDL, and testis homogenate of the rats as described by the diagnostic kit manual. Results obtained from this study showed that cypermethrin administration significantly elevated triglyceride (105.22%) and not significant cholesterol level (15.28%) in the plasma; significantly increased testicular triglyceride (96.46%) and cholesterol (64.99%) concentrations; significantly decreased HDL triglyceride (46.57%) and cholesterol (38.37%); significantly increased the concentration of vLDL+LDL triglyceride (126.28 %) and cholesterol (76.09%) in comparison with the control. Co-administration with both doses of J. gossypifolia (JG) leaf extract and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) significantly reversed these alterations. Thus, the phytoconstituents of Jatropha gossypifolia plant extract possesses modulatory potentials that can mitigate the effect of cypermethrin on the reproductive organ and plasma lipidomics especially in the treatment of heart related disorders caused by hyperlipidemia.


Cypermethrin, Jatropha gossypifolia, Alpha-lipoic acid, Testes, Lipoproteins, Lipidomics.


Faokunla O, Femi-Olabisi FJ, Olorunyolemi IM, Omogbehin SA, Agboola AO, Umar IS, Adelegan OO. Modulatory effect of Jatropha gossypifolia leaf on testicular lipidomics and plasma lipoproteins of rats exposed to cypermethrin. J Phytopharmacol 2020; 9(3):188-192.

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