ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2020;9(3):214-217 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2020.9311

Review Article

A review on Novel Insights of Breast Cancer Vaccines

Jasleen Kaur Grewal1 , Deepshikha Patle1

1. Faculty of Pharmaceutical sciencePCTE Group of institutes, Jhande, VPO Baddowal, Ludhiana, Punjab-142021, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 17th April, 2020 / Accepted: 12th May, 2020


Cancer vaccines are on the verge of success. It is a unique approach wherein patient’s immune system is dynamized to mount an immune response against the tumor mass thus, an anti-tumor effect is exhibited. Due to the down-regulation of immune system caused by the check-points such as CTLA-4 and PDL-1, cancer cells escape the immune system and began its uncontrolled growth and ultimately turns into a tumor. Even though the other treatments are available for the breast cancer chemotherapy but still the mortality and relapse incidents are sky-high. So a more personalized pharmakon is developed so as to arouse an immune response against the tumor. The main aim for developing cancer vaccines is breast cancer is to exhilarate patient’s own immune system so as to kill cancer cells with minimal side-effects. Appended leverage of using immunotherapy includes meticulous specificity, low toxicity, and the potential for permanent treatment effect due to immunologic memory. Various types of vaccines have been developed using different mechanism such as DNA vaccine, dendritic cell vaccine, and tumor cell vaccine, hyper-acute vaccine but their agenda is common that is to prompt an immune response against tumor.


Cancer, Vaccine, Immunotherapy, Tumor cell, DNA vaccine, Genetic modification.


Grewal JK, Patle D. A review on Novel Insights of Breast Cancer Vaccines. J Phytopharmacol 2020; 9(3):214-217.

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