ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2020;9(6):399-402 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2020.9603

Research Article

Pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical studies on the Lekhaniya Maha Kashaya

Gaurav Balat1 , L.P. Dei2 , Ankit Garg3 , Harisha CR4 , V.J. Shukla5

1. Ph.D Scholar, Department of Prasooti tantra and Stree roga, IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar Gujarat, India
2. Professor and Head, Dept. of Prasooti tantra and stree roga, and Dean IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar Gujarat, India
3. M.S. Scholar, Department of Prasooti tantra and Stree roga, IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar Gujarat, India
4. Head, Department of Pharmacognocy, IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar Gujarat, India
5. Head, Laboratory of Pharmaceutics, IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar Gujarat, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 28th August, 2020 / Accepted: 4th December, 2020


The benign tumor that originates in the uterus it is called a uterine fibroid. The growths are typically benign, or noncancerous. The cause of fibroids is unknown. According to the Office on Women’s Health, up to 80 percent Trusted Source of women have them by the age of 50. However, most women don’t have any symptoms and may never know they have fibroids. In Ayurveda the herbal drugs esily available and no any side effect and an effort by this papper that Lekhaniya Maha Kashaya is useful. Aim: To standardies Lekhaniya Maha Kashaya pharmacognostically, physiochemically and phytochemically. Materials and Methods: Lekhaniya Maha Kashaya were collected and prepared powder and Yavkut in the Pharmacy, GAU, Jamnagar, were identified and authenticated at Pharmacognosy laboratory, IPGT and RA, Jamnagar. Results: The presence of Annular vessels of Haridra, Border pitted vessels of Chitraka, cork cells of Chirabilwa, Cork cells of Musta, Cork cells with brown content of Kustha etc. in Pharmacognostical study and in Pharmaceutical study of Lekahaniya maha kashaya powder, Loss on drying 30 % w/w, pH 6.5. Analytical study showed 7 spots at 254 nm and 6 spots at 366 nm and in yavkut, Loss on drying 6.5 % w/w, pH 6.5. Analytical study showed 7 spots at 254 nm and 6 spots at 366 nm Conclusion: These findings could be helpful in identification authentication and standardization of the Lekhaniya Maha Kashaya.


Lekhaniya Maha Kashaya Powder and Yavkuta, HPTLC, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics, Uterine fibroid.


Balat G, Dei LP, Garg A, Harisha CR, Shukla VJ. Pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical studies on the Lekhaniya Maha Kashaya. J Phytopharmacol 2020; 9(6):399-402.

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