ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2021;10(3):215-219 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2021.10313

Research Article

Area wide management of white grub Holotrichia consanguinea Blachard through IPM modules in groundnut

Bhut JB1 , Jethva DM1 , Naggana R1

1. Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh – 362 001 (Gujarat), India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 9th May, 2021 / Accepted: 26th May, 2021


Field experiments were conducted on groundnut for white grub Holotrichia consanguinea Blachard management using different IPM components in Gujarat during kharif 2018 and 2019. Two different eco-friendly modules were evaluated and compare with farmers practices. In Module I included on set of monsoon, spraying of chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 0.04% on surrounding trees, seed treatment of chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 20 ml/kg, Placement of aggregation pheromone on host tree (5 block/tree), Soil application of Beauveria bassiana @ 5 kg ha-1 (Min. 2 x 106 CFU/g) + castor cake (250 kg ha-1) before sowing, Application of B. bassiana @ 5 kg ha-1 in plant row with FYM (250 kg ha-1) after 30 days of germination. While Module II used Metarhizium anisopliae instead of B. bassiana. While in farmers practices included application of chlorpyriphos 10 G @ 10 kg ha-1 with urea at initiation of pest attack. Among the evaluated two ecofriendly module and farmers practices the lowest per cent plant mortality (3.03 %) and 0.56 grub/m2 was recorded in Module II. The highest pod and halum yield 2180 and 3942 kg ha-1, yield increase over control 31.00 and 39.37 %, avoidable loss 23.67 and 28.25% was recorded in module II. The maximum (32474 Rs/ha) net realization was found in the treatment of Module II. Looking to the NICBR, the highest (1:5.35) return was obtained with the treatment of Module II followed by Module I (1:2.93).


Groundnut, Holotrichia consanguinea, Evaluation, IPM modules, B. bassiana, M. anisopliae, Aggregation pheromone.


Bhut JB, Jethva DM, Naggana R. Area wide management of white grub Holotrichia consanguinea Blachard through IPM modules in groundnut. J Phytopharmacol 2021; 10(3):215-219.

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