ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2022;11(3):221-223 ;   DOI:10.31254/phyto.2022.11315

Review Article

Pharmaceutical evidence of Piper guineense on reproductive toxicity

Osah Martins Onwuka1 , Nkechi Clara Nwosu2 , Adaobi Linda Okerulu1

1. Department of Human Physiology, College of Medical and Health Sciences, Gregory University, 441103, Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria
2. Human Anatomy Department, College of Medical and Health Sciences, Gregory University, 441103, Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 4th April, 2022 / Accepted: 7th May, 2022 / Published : 7th June, 2022


Objectives: Nutritional value and health benefits of Piper guineense (a spice known as Uziza in Igbo language of Nigeria) cannot be overemphasized. Its therapeutic inputs on reproductive toxicity were elucidated. Study approach: Literature survey was carried out in various electronic search databases such as Google scholar, Crossref and pubmed. The survey done February 2022 – March 2022 considered literatures that reported the impact of Piper guineense on reproductive system as well as reproductive toxicity. The search keys include; “Piper guineense and reproductive health” “Piper guineense and reproductive toxicity” “Piper guineense on non-heavy metals induced reproductive toxicity” “Piper guineense on heavy metals induced reproductive toxicity” “Piper guineense on lead, cadmium, and arsenic induced reproductive toxicity”. The search keywords were used respectively and collectively. Findings: Eight (8) reports were found most appropriate for the pharmaceutical evidence of Piper guineense on reproduction; which suggests its essential therapeutic input on reproductive toxicity. Conclusively, Piper guineense is a potential vital ingredient for pharmaceuticals, used to ameliorate reproductive toxicity.


Heavy metals, Lead, Pharmaceuticals, Piper guineense, Reproduction, Reproductive toxicity.


Onwuka OM, Nwosu NC, Okerulu AL. Pharmaceutical evidence of Piper guineense on reproductive toxicity. J Phytopharmacol 2022; 11(3):221-223. doi: 10.31254/phyto.2022.11314

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