ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2021;10(6):439-442 DOI:10.31254/phyto.2021.10603

Research Article

Antifertility activity of Millingtonia hortensis in Male albino rats

Rambabu Midathapally1 , R Vijay Kumar2 , M Krishna Reddy1

1. Reproductive Physiology Unit, Department of Zoology, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana- 506009, India
2. Deparment of Zoology, Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Degree College (M), Karimnagar, Telangana- 505001, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 13th October, 2021 / Accepted: 24th October, 2021


Though the present technology in the world can able to solve many problems that occur in different areas, still human life is unable to lead the good life. The population density in the India is increasing day to day because of that the basic needs are not meeting the poor. There are many approaches to cope up this problem. Medicinal plant extracts play an important role in coming over the problem as a contraceptive therapy in controlling the population. Since there are several medicinal plants proved for their pharmacology activities, the present study is also done to know the antifertility activity of the plant Millingtonia hortensis extracts in male albino rats. The methanol (MHMLE) and aqueous (MHALE) extracts of the plant were administered to male albino rats for 21 days by maintaining the control group. The decreased sperm count and motility were noticed in the extract administered rats. The serological results showed the increased serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, SGOT, SGPT, decreased protein, albumin, glucose levels. The Testis cross sections of extract administered rats also supported the results with degenerated interstitium. The testis and liver tissue glycogen and protein values also depleted in the extract administered rats.


Antifertility, Spermcount, SGOT, SGPT, Fertility control


Midathapally R, Kumar RV, Reddy MK. Antifertility activity of Millingtonia hortensis in Male albino rats. J Phytopharmacol 2021; 10(6):439-442. doi: 10.31254/phyto.2021.10603

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