ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2018;7(4):353-359 DOI:10.31254/phyto.2018.7401

Research Article

Thermoxidized palm oil diet (TPO)-induced haematological derangements in rats is ameliorated by Aloe vera and Garlic

Obeten Christiana Egong1 , Ani Elemi John1 , Ime Akaninyene Ubong1 , Kokelu Anthony Nduka1 , Okon Udemeobong Edet1

1. Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, P.M.B. 1115, Calabar, Nigeria

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 24th April, 2018 / Accepted: 28th July, 2018


Objective(s): Therapeutic effects of garlic/Aloe vera on TPO-induced derangements in some haematological parameters and cytoarchitecture of the bone marrow in rats were studied. Materials and Methods: 30 male wistar rats weighing 200-250g were grouped into five (n=6): Control, TPO (TPO diet), TPO+G (TPO/Garlic), TPO+A (TPO/Aloe) and TPO+G+A (TPO/Garlic/Aloe). 15g of thermoxidized palm oil was mixed with 85g of rat chow to prepare TPO. Aloe gel and garlic juice were orally administered at doses of 6ml/kg and 2ml/kg respectively following lethality studies. After 3months, rats were sacrificed and blood collected via cardiac puncture for analysis. Results: From the result, TPO/Aloe showed a significant increase in food/water intake compared to control. TPO, TPO/Garlic and TPO/Garlic/Aloe had a significantly reduced body weight when compared to control but significantly higher in TPO/Aloe compared to control and other three groups. RBC, PCV and Hb was significantly decreased in TPO compared to control but was significantly higher in TPO/Garlic, TPO/Aloe and TPO/Garlic/Aloe compared to TPO. Total White blood cell was significantly lower in TPO/Garlic, TPO/Garlic/Aloe when compared to TPO but significantly higher in TPO/Aloe when compared to TPO/Garlic and TPO/Garlic/Aloe. MCV, MCH and MCHC showed a significant increase in TPO compared to control but decreased in TPO/Garlic, TPO/Aloe, TPO/Garlic/Aloe when compared to TPO. Histology of the bone marrow showed normal morphology in Control, TPO/Garlic, TPO/Aloe and TPO/Garlic/Aloe while some histological derangements were seen in TPO. Conclusion: Garlic and Aloe vera showed therapeutic efficacy in ameliorating haematological derangements caused by TPO consumption.


Garlic, Aloe vera, Thermoxidized Palm oil, Haematological parameters, Bone marrow.


Egong OC, John AE, Ubong IA, Nduka KA, Edet OU. Thermoxidized palm oil diet (TPO)-induced haematological derangements in rats is ameliorated by Aloe vera and Garlic. J Phytopharmacol 2018; 7(4):353- 359.

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