ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2017;6(3):178-182 DOI:10.31254/phyto.2017.6306

Research Article

Aphrodisiac property of aerial parts of Trianthema decandra Linn.

Veeresh1 , Pramod Kumar2 , V Rama Mohan Gupta3

1. Department of Pharmacognosy, GNITC School of Pharmacy, R.R. Dist Hyderabad, Telangana, India
2. Department of Pharmacognosy, V. L. College of Pharmacy, Raichur, Karnataka, India
3. Department of Pharmaceutics. Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Annaram (V), Hyderabad, Telangana, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 18th June, 2017 / Accepted: 21st July, 2017


Aim of the study is to identify and evaluate the active constituents present in the aerial parts of Trianthema decandra Linn. The fresh aerial parts of plant were collected, dried under shade, coarsely powdered and successively extracted with different solvents based on increasing order of polarity. All the extracts of the plant were subjected for phytochemical screening. The methanol extract was screened for aphrodisiac activity.

The sexual activity of male mice in Assessment of mating model was determined by administering methanolic extract of Trianthema decandra of different doses and each male mouse was placed in separate cage. After one hour, five oestrous females were placed into each cage and cohabitated overnight. The vaginal smear of each female mouse was examined next day under the microscope to confirm mating by the presence of sperms. To study the Effect on fertility in mice model, different groups of animals (mice) were treated as above and each male mouse was placed in separate cage. After one hour, one oestrous female with proven fertility was admitted into each cage and cohabitated overnight. These females were watched for pregnancy and birth of offspring’s.

In the conclusion, out of all test extract doses of Trianthema decandra, medium and high dose showed significant aphrodisiac activity when compared with control and standard groups. Hence this reveals that Trianthema decandra have fertility enhancing activity. Further research is needed to identify biologically active constituents for fertility enhancing activity.


Assessment of mating in mice, Effect on fertility in mice, Trianthema decandra.


Veeresh, Kumar P, GuptaVRM. Aphrodisiac property of aerial parts of Trianthema decandra Linn. J Phytopharmacol 201 7 ; 6 ( 2):178 -182 .

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