ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2022;11(1):35-39 DOI:10.31254/phyto.2022.11107

Research Article

A survey on ethnomedicinal plants of Nayagram Block of Jhargram District, West Bengal, India

Saurav Paul1 , Ananya Dey2

1. Saurav Paul: Assistant Professor in Botany (W.B.E.S.), Jhargram Raj Collage, Jhargram, 721507, West Bengal, India
2. CSIR Senior Research Fellow, Department of Botany, University of Burdwan, Burdwan, 713104, West Bengal, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 16th December, 2021 / Accepted: 4th February, 2022


Humans have been using plants for ailment of many common diseases since time immemorial. In modern day civilization using of these herbal medicines are generally restricted to the rural areas of our state as well as country. Nayagram is a marginal block of Jhargram district which shares the borders with Paschim Midnapore district of West Bengal and Odissa, a neighbouring state of ours. In this present study, plants which are used by the tribal and other local people of Nayagram CD block have been enlisted. The study reveals that a total of thirty-six [36] . plant species belonging to twenty-four [24] . families are used by the local people of our study site for treatment many common diseases. Scientific and local names of the plants, name of the families they belong to, parts of the plant used and their medicinal uses have been recorded in this study.


Herbal Medicine, Nayagram CD Block, Bhargram District, Traditional Healers.


Paul S, Dey A. A survey on ethnomedicinal plants of Nayagram Block of Jhargram District, West Bengal, India. J Phytopharmacol 2022; 11(1):35- 39. doi: 10.31254/phyto.2022.11107

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