ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2016;5(3):112-116 DOI:10.31254/phyto.2016.5305

Research Article

Evaluation of anticancer property of mango peel and flesh after formalin treatment

G.M. Masud Parvez1 , Ashik Mosaddik2

1. Department of Pharmacy, Varendra University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
2. Department of Pharmacy, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Cancer is life threatening disease an d the second leading cause of death. Various phenolic compounds obtained from plant sources such as fruit, bark, leaf and roots acts against cancer but when such fruits are treated with some chemicals such as formalin which itself a carcinogenic agent changes antioxidant potential of that fruit. To evaluate the change of anticancer potential fresh raw mangoes are collected and treated with formalin for 7 days and various parameters such as tumour cell gro wth inhibition, increase life span are measured. Vario us haematological parameters such as red blood cell, white blood cell and haemoglobin content is measured. It is found that normal mango peel contain higher anticancer property as compare to mango flesh. But when this mango peel is treated with formalin, its anticancer potential is decreases, not only in the peel but also in the flesh, which suggests the presence of formalin in mango flesh. From the study it is observed that normal mango peel (NP) causes significant inhibition of tumor cell growth (76.74%) and sufficiently increases life span (76.00%) at 100mg/kg daily dose whereas formalin treated peel (FP) causes (52.69%) tumour cell growth inhibition and increases lifespan (57.29%) at the same dose. On haematological study, normal mango peel increases red blood cell and Haemoglo bin content and decreases white blood cell content but formalin treated sample does not make sufficient change. The anti-cancer activity shows a direct correlation with the dose


Mango, formalin, anticancer, haematological.


Parvez GMM, Mosaddik A. Evaluation of anticancer property of mango peel and flesh after formalin treatment. The Journal of Phytopharmacology 2016;5(3):112-116.

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