ISSN: 2320-480X
Manuscript Submission

The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2021;10(4):230-235 DOI:10.31254/phyto.2021.10403

Research Article

Development of pharmacognostic parameters for the leaf of Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd

J. Preetham1 , S. Kiran1 , R. Sharath2 , P. Sivakami Sundari3 , PS Sujan Ganapathy4 , Kumaraswamy HM5

1. Department of Biotechnology, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Kumaraswamy Layout560078, Karnataka, India
2. Department of Food Technology, Davengere University, Shivagangotri, Davengere 577007, Karnataka, India
3. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dayananda Sagar University, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore560078, Karnataka, India
4. Department of Product Development, Nutrinorm Wellness Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru - 560092, Karnataka, India
5. Department of PG Studies & Research in Biotechnology, Kuvempu University Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta-577451

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Received: 17th May, 2021 / Accepted: 9th June, 2021


Background: Pharmacognostic study of medicinal plants is an important parameter for standardization and authentication of plants, with the help of which adulteration and substitution can be prevented. The present study deals with pharmacognostic profile of leaf of Bridelia scandens (Roxb).Willd. an important traditional plant, belonging to family Euphorbiaceae used to treat various ailments. Methods: The present study includes macroscopic and microscopic studies, quantitative microscopy, and physiochemical characters such as ash value, extractive values, fluorescence analysis, and total phenol and flavonoid content. Results: Macroscopically, the leaves are B. scandens are elliptic –oblong or obavate, dark green above, pale green below lateral veins. Microscopically, leaf consists of thick semicircular midrib and the lamina, cortical zone ending with thick continuous cylinder of sclerenchyma cells. Sclerenchyma cylinder completely enclosed the vascular cylinder of the midrib, consists of only continuous thick layer of phloem. Xylem cylinder consists of numerous short or long radial chains of vessels. The lateral vein is flat on the adaxial side and prominently projecting hemispherical body on the adaxial side. Powder microscopy of leaf revealed the presence of spiral xylem vessels, rosette and prismatic calcium oxalate crystals and trichomes. A Physiochemical characteristic was also determined. Conclusion: Existing literature revealed that so far, no Pharmacognostic study has been reported on the leaf of B. scandens. Findings from this investigation can be used for its identification and determination of quality and purity of medicinally important plant. Thus exploring the usefulness of pharmacognostic evaluation to validate and authenticate drug.


Bridelia scandens, Cyclocytic, Trichome, Euphorbiaceae, Fluorescence.


Preetham J, Kiran S, Sharath R, Sundari PS, Ganapathy PSS, Kumaraswamy HM. Development of pharmacognostic parameters for the leaf of Bridelia scandens (Roxb.) Willd. J Phytopharmacol 2021; 10(4):230-235. doi: 10.31254/phyto.2021.10403

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