Prof. Rajeev Taliyan
Department of Pharmacy, Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS), Pilani, Rajasthan, India
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Impact of drought stress signals on growth and secondary metabolites (SMs) in medicinal plants
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Human Pancreatic beta Cell Regenerative Therapy: Exploring the Role of Chicoric Acid as a Phytochemical Candidate
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Addressing the Global Challenge: Strategies for Cervical Prevention and Early Detection within WHO's 90-70-90 Framework
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Secondary metabolites, antiradical and antibacterial activities of Pteleopsis leaves and trunk bark suberosa, plant used in Benin to treat toothache
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Pharmacognostic specifications of Abroma augusta stems and Cissus quadrangularis aerial part
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Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activities of the stem bark of Allanblackia parviflora Chev. (Clusiaceae)
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Anti-inflammatory Effects of Carissa spiranum Mediated via Attenuation of Leucocyte Migration
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Phytochemical evaluation and Pharmacological screening of Cuscuta reflexa roxburg on anti-arthritic activity
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Modulatory potential of Tamarindus indica on steroidogenesis by targeting in vitro expression of CYP 19 and StAR genes in MCF-7 cell lines
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Determination of lipid lowering properties of methanol extract of Tephrosia villosa against high fat diet induced hyperlipidemia in wistar rats
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